Denise Spurlock

EVOC 518 WR5

Substitute Lesson Plan #2


  1. How much did the Apple cost in 1976?
    1. $323
    2. $666
    3. $1024
  2. During what event did the Macintosh “1984” ad run?
    1. Super Bowl XVIII
    2. Reagan’s presidential victory speech
    3. A space shuttle launch
  3. Who directed the “1984” ad?
    1. Steven Spielberg
    2. Steve Jobs
    3. Ridley Scott
  4. The Lisa computer was named after
    1. Woz’s mouse
    2. Steve Jobs’ daughter
    3. Mike Markkula’s wife
  5. What does QDOS stand for?
    1. Quick Dumb Operating System
    2. Quick and Dirty Operating System
    3. nothing
  6. How much Apple stock did Microsoft buy in 1997?
    1. $150,000,000 worth
    2. $450,000,000 worth
    3. 1 share
  7. What did Woz call his first computer, back in 1972?
    1. Woz1
    2. The Box
    3. The Cream Soda Computer
  8. Where did Steve Jobs and Woz meet?
    1. At a commune in Oregon
    2. Homestead High School, Los Altos, CA
    3. Los Gatos Elementary School, Los Gatos, CA
  9. What illegal device did Jobs and Woz manufacture and sell?
    1. Radar detectors
    2. the Black Box
    3. the Blue Box
  10. What happened to Steve Wozniak in 1981?
    1. he was injured in a small plane crash
    2. he became a millionaire
    3. he had a heart attack
  11. What year did IBM release its first PC?
    1. 1976
    2. 1981
    3. 1984
  12. What was new and unique about the Apple II?
    1. first computer with a mouse
    2. first computer with a hard drive
    3. first computer to come in a plastic case and include color graphics
  13. What day was Apple Computer born on?
    1. April Fool’s Day
    2. July 4th
    3. Labor Day
  14. What dietary restrictions does Jobs have?
    1. He hates sweets
    2. He is a vegan
    3. He is allergic to shellfish
  15. Where did Jobs travel with the money he earned at Atari?
    1. New York
    2. Japan
    3. India
  16. Who was Apple’s first investor?
    1. Woz’s mom
    2. Craven Moorehead
    3. Mike Markkula
  17. What is the name of the first company Gates and Allen started?
    1. Micro-Soft
    2. Gates & Allen
    3. Traf-O-Data
  18. Where did Gates and Allen meet?
    1. Lakeside School
    2. Harvard
    3. a strip bar called the Zebra Club
  19. Who else co-founded Apple (and dropped out very early on)?
    1. Dan Kotke
    2. Ron Wayne
    3. Ron Jeremy
  20. What was the first computer program Gates and Allen ever wrote?
    1. Pong
    2. Chess
    3. Tic Tac Toe
  21. What was the first commercial program Gates and Allen wrote?
    1. BASIC for the Altair computer
    2. BASIC for the Apple II
    3. UNIX for the PDP-10f



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