Denise Spurlock

EVOC 518 Grade Request



Dr. Ronald Pendleton


Denise Spurlock, EVOC 518 Scholar


May 18, 2004


518, Grade Request, Spurlock

I have completed my EVOC 518 portfolio and hereby request an “A” grade. I believe that my work merits an “A” for the following reasons:

1.                  I have included an upgrade indicator for all written reports.

2.                  My portfolio was submitted on the due date, May 18, 2004, in the method I indicated I would use.

3.                  I believe that the quality of my portfolio meets, or exceeds, the expectations of the course.

While I had hoped to submit my portfolio far in advance of the due date, I found that the rigors of attempting 12 units at CSUSB, along with working, were much more than I expected. I am looking forward to relaxing this summer and returning to my studies in the fall. Have a great summer!