Denise Spurlock

January 30, 2004

EVOC 519 – WR1 Computer Software Report

The purpose of this assignment was to identify three software programs that would support my own teaching and to evaluate the system requirements for effective use of those programs. I chose the following three software programs:

1.                  Microsoft Office (office productivity software)

2.                  ExamView (test generator software)

3.                  GamePak Interactive (game application)

Microsoft Office

As a business instructor, one of my major responsibilities is to train students in the effective use of office productivity software. By using the same software to support my teaching, I better understand the software myself. In addition to teaching students how to use this software, I use it to prepare handout materials, create classroom presentations, and manage student records.

Microsoft Office is the most popular office software in use today. It is available in versions for both personal computers using Microsoft Windows and computers running the Apple MacOS.  The most recent version is Office 2003. I selected the Standard Edition for purposes of this report. This software suite contains the following bundled software: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook (Entourage in the Mac version). Following is a comparison of the system requirements based on operating system:


Operating System


Hard Drive Space

Random Access Memory (RAM)


Office 2003 - Standard Edition

Windows 2000 with Service Pac 3 or Windows XP

Intel Pentium 233 MHz or faster (Pentium III recommended)

260 MB

128 MB

VGA monitor, CD-ROM or DVD drive

Office v.X for Mac

Apple MacOS X 10.1 or later

PowerPC G3

75 MB

128 MB

VGA monitor, CD-ROM, mouse or compatible devise

Suggested retail price for a single-user license for Microsoft Office 2003 is $399.00; but it is available at Staples for $369.99. Office v.X for Mac is available at CDW for $369.91 and at MacMall for $348.99.

Support for both products is available online and through newsgroups at the Microsoft website, by e-mail and by telephone.

ExamView Test Generator

I have used the ExamView test generator for several years to create study guides and tests. Question banks are available from many textbook publishers, or users can create their own question banks. The software supports many types of questions including true/false, multiple choice, numeric response, essay, etc. The software allows the user to create paper tests or on-line versions for use on a network or on the Internet. The software can be used to create multiple versions of tests by scrambling questions.

Following are the system requirements based on the Windows and Mac platforms:


Operating System


Hard Drive Space

Random Access Memory (RAM)



Windows 98, 2000, XP or more recent

Pentium (120 MHz) or higher

10 MB

16 MB (32 MB recommended)

VGA monitor, CD-ROM drive, mouse


System 8.6, 9.2 or OS X (10.2 or later)

Power PC Macintosh (20 MHz) or higher

25 MB

16 MB (32 MB recommended)

VGA monitor, CD-ROM drive, mouse

A single-user license is available for $99.00. Support is available through an online forum, by email, and by telephone.

GamePak Interactive

It is fun to give to students a change of pace by presenting or reviewing material in a game show format. In the past, I have created games based on popular television game shows such as Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. This can be very time-consuming. I have looked at various game preparation programs; priced at $200 or more, I don’t feel they are cost-effective for this type of use. GamePak Interactive is not a program, but a selection of pre-made PowerPoint templates containing all of the sounds, graphics, animation, transitions, etc. to create games. All the instructor needs to do is type in the questions and answers! The system and additional software requirements are:


Operating System

Hard Drive Space

Random Access Memory (RAM)


Additional Software Required


Windows 98 or better

6 MB

16 MB

VGA monitor, 4X CD-ROM drive, mouse

PowerPoint 2000 or better


System 9 or better

6 MB

16 MB

VGA monitor, CD-ROM drive, mouse

PowerPoint 2001 or better

A single-user license is available for $49.95; support is available by email or telephone.


Office productivity software is absolutely a must for the business instructor. Test preparation software makes a tedious job much quicker. Game shows add fun to the classroom. All of these products are ones that I want in my teaching arsenal!


Office Productivity Software:

Microsoft Office 2003 -

Office v.X for Mac Standard Edition

Staples –


MacMall -

ExamView Test Generator:

GamePak Interactive: