



To:                   Donna Shea, EVOC 519 Instructor


From:              Denise Spurlock


Date:               February 11, 2004


Subject:          WR3 Scavenger Hunt


Following are the results of my scavenger hunt:


  1. - The Teaching Solutions area of this site outlines the various products and services offered by eCollege. In addition to course management software, there is information about content offered by various textbook publishers and information about instructor training and instructional design consulting.


  1. - I have found that the technical aspects of the computer easily bore students. The interactive exhibit “The History of the Microprocessor” might be a more interesting way for students to learn about technology.


  1. - I took two of the personality tests on this site – the RHETI Enneagram Sampler (on which I was rated as a Type 2 Helper) and the Kiersey Temperament Sorter (on which I was rated as a Guardian). Both descriptions were reasonably accurate, but I don’t find these types of tests to be particularly useful for learning style assessment. I use the Diablo Valley College Learning Styles Survey with my students (


  1. - I found two resources on this site that could be useful in the business classroom. The first – Two American Entrepreneurs: Madam C. J. Walker and J. C. Penney – could definitely be used in discussing entrepreneurship. Another –The Branding of America – might easily be adapted to a discussion of marketing and consumer buying habits.


  1. - The only “field trip” I could find on this site was for a unit on humanities – it looked great, but not something I could use with my students. I use Internet scavenger hunts about once a month. I try to come up with some fun things related to a holiday or the season as well as activities that will reinforce the use of the Internet as a tool for business.


  1. - This page automatically redirected to the web site for the Connecticut State Department of Education. This was very disappointing to me as I was looking forward to seeing some museum sites.


  1. - This page appeared to be a commercial site for various mathematics and science textbooks written for use in Asian countries. This site did not have any resources that I could use.


  1. - The roller coaster is designed to help students understand the laws of physics better. While it could be fun for some students, I do not see a practical application in my classroom. I felt this was primarily a commercial site.


  1. - This site provides categorized links to other sites that would make creating a virtual field trip much easier.


  1. A fun museum exhibit for business students is the Early Office Museum at It has “displays” related to office buildings, office workers, and equipment of all kinds. Most of my students are young adults and have little or no knowledge of what offices were like in the past. I might use this exhibit as part of a lesson on the history of the administrative professional. It’s amazing that the things that are done haven’t changed all that much – but the equipment surely has!


I use the Internet frequently for inspiration and ideas to use in my classroom, from lesson plans to activities. I was disappointed that some of the sites visited in this scavenger hunt no longer had the information outlined in the assignment and that others seemed to be primarily commercial sites.