



To:                   Donna Shea, EVOC 519 Instructor


From:              Denise Spurlock


Date:               February 24, 2004


Subject:          WR4 Professional Plan for Personal Technology Development



Since completing my B.S. in Business/Management in 2000, I had been considering returning to school to obtain my M.A. in Education. I applied and was accepted for admission at CSUSB in the winter quarter 2004. Because of various concerns regarding my work schedule, I felt it best to take classes that I could complete using the distance learning option. I chose to enroll in EVOC 501 and EVOC 519. EVOC 519 is required for the master’s program; EVOC 501 is not, but I felt it would be a good starting point. I do not have any current plans to apply for a teaching credential as it is not required for instructors in private post-secondary schools. I do, however, plan to continue to take the credential courses because I feel they are valuable to anyone in a teaching position.


I have been using technology in the workplace for about 20 years and have taught computer concepts and office applications since 1998. My first experience was with an IBM Displaywrite word processing system. I then became proficient in WordPerfect 5.1 and Lotus 1-2-3. I bought my first personal computer in 1992 and was introduced to Microsoft Works. From there I “graduated” to Microsoft Office. I am a Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor for Office 2000; I hold expert certifications in Word and Excel and core certifications for Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook. (Master certification exams are not available for the last three programs.) I am knowledgeable about computer hardware and software having taken one previous computer concepts course for my undergraduate degree and teaching basic computer concepts for the last several years. I took a short class in Microsoft FrontPage as part of a series in online teaching and a comprehensive course Microsoft Excel XP.


Prior to registering for EVOC 519, I reviewed the e-text and determined that, although I could have met the competency documentation option, it would be more beneficial for me to take the distance learning option instead as a way to ease back into the routine of meeting assignment deadlines. In addition, changes were being made to the e-text and I was unsure that I would be able to fulfill those requirements under the competency documentation option.


EVOC 519 has given me additional experience with digital photography, graphics manipulation and website development. I am self-taught in these areas and, because I do not use these skills frequently, it was useful to have additional practice.


Having had the opportunity to see the e-text before and after revisions were made, I would suggest that you consider returning to the basics. While technology is continuing to move forward at incredible speed, many teachers I know are not well versed in using the basic software applications that can increase their effectiveness and productivity. Most can use word processing programs but lack skill in spreadsheet and presentation software.


My personal goals and timelines for continued growth in the use of technology include the following:


  1. Microsoft Office XP/2003 – I anticipate that Bryman College’s Whittier campus will upgrade to Office XP or 2003 within the next year. I plan to purchase the new software through CSUSB to take advantage of the substantial monetary savings. After learning the new features, I will take the necessary examinations to upgrade my Master Instructor certification to the new version. I plan to purchase the software in April and will work with it through the summer with the goal of taking the certification exams in the fall.
  2. QuickBooks – Although I am familiar with Peachtree accounting software, I have not used QuickBooks and will be required to teach it for the first time in August. I have already purchased QuickBooks 2000 (the version currently being used at school). I plan to locate an appropriate text or tutorial by mid-May so that I can learn in during June and July.
  3. Microsoft FrontPage – I plan to continue to use FrontPage to develop additional pages for my EVOC website, as well as websites for each module in the program I teach. The EVOC pages will be added as I complete additional courses. I plan to develop the websites for my business modules at the rate of one per month until all are up. (The one I submitted for my CA5 assignment is for the next mod I will teach.)


My goals at this time are very specific because they relate directly to my current teaching responsibilities. As those responsibilities change, my plans will be revised accordingly. There is a possibility that I will be promoted to a program director’s position in the near future; at that time, I may have the opportunity to work with other instructors to enhance their technology skills while continuing to teach. I also hope to teach online classes at some time in the future; my continued use of FrontPage to develop class websites and continued participation in distance learning classes will go a long way in helping me be prepared for that possibility!