



To:              Donna Shea, EVOC 521 Instructor


From:           Denise Spurlock, EVOC Scholar


Date:           March 28, 2004


Subject:       PI Memo of Intent



I have registered for EVOC 521 in the Spring 2004 quarter. Although I have not yet taken the prerequisite course (EVOC 520), I emailed Donna Shea, instructor, on March 7, 2004, to obtain consent to take the course and my request was approved.


I am selecting the distance learning option and will submit all required coursework as outlined in the syllabus and e-text; I understand from the course materials that attendance is mandatory at the first and ninth class meetings. I will be using a custom-built PC desktop, an E-Machines PC desktop, and a Compaq Presario laptop to complete my work. I will generate my work using Microsoft Office XP and will generate my web page using Microsoft FrontPage 2000. I do not anticipate requiring any special considerations, but will advise the instructor immediately if circumstances should change.


I aspire to receive an “A” grade, but wish to reserve the right to lower my expectations to a “B” grade if my work schedule or CSUSB class load does not permit adequate time to complete the requirements for an “A” grade.