LP1 LESSON PLAN prepared by   Denise Spurlock  

TYPE of lesson, TITLE of lesson and ESTIMATED TIME:

Short LECTURE on “The Vocabulary Word ERGONOMICS” (5 minutes total time)


Condition: Given the definition of the word “ergonomics”…

Person: each student…

Performance: will write out that word…

Criteria: spelling it correctly.

EQUIPMENT and MATERIALS required for the lesson:

FLIP CHART with the word “ergonomics” with its definition

How INSTRUCTOR will FACILITATE student learning:

Introduction – Anticipatory Set (60 seconds)

bulletStatement of objective (from above) – BEOLSWBAT (By End of Lesson Student Will Be Able To…)
bulletJoke about misunderstanding
bulletTie in the importance of using clear, specific language

Instruction – Key Concepts (60 seconds)


Explain the importance of critical vocabulary

bulletProvide the definition of the word “ergonomics” (flip chart)
bulletSpell the word, emphasizing each letter (flip chart)

Checking for Understanding and Clarification (30 seconds)


Ask individual students to spell the word “ergonomics”


Ask why speaking and spelling correctly is important

Guided and Independent Practice (60 seconds)


Ask all students to spell the word in unison.

bulletAsk students to write the word “ergonomics” in their notes.
bulletRecheck for understanding after practice.

Conclusion – Closure (30 seconds)

bulletReemphasize the importance of using clear, specific language
bulletDiscuss student time/practice needed to master this word

How the students will be EVALUATED:

Through a “fill-in-the-blank” TEST QUESTION as follows:

“The science of designing equipment for the workplace to maximize productivity and reduce worker fatigue and discomfort is known as ______________________.”



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