LP2 LESSON PLAN prepared by   Denise Spurlock  

TYPE of lesson, TITLE of lesson and ESTIMATED TIME:

Short DEMONSTRATION & DIRECTED DISCOVERY on “Cleaning Your Computer’s Mouse” (8 minutes total time)


Condition: Given a computer with mouse attached and a handout with step-by-step instructions…

Person: each student…

Performance: will clean the mouse…

Criteria: using the correct procedure.

EQUIPMENT and MATERIALS required for the lesson:

COMPUTER with mouse attached for the instructor and each student

HANDOUT with step-by-step instructions for cleaning the mouse

How INSTRUCTOR will FACILITATE student learning:

Introduction – Anticipatory Set (60 seconds)

bulletStatement of objective (from above) – BEOLSWBAT

(By End of Lesson Student Will Be Able To…)

bulletInstructor briefly explains symptoms of a dirty mouse
bulletTie in the importance of using step-by-step instructions

Instruction – Key Concepts (120 seconds)

bulletDemonstrate each step on the handout (click here to see handout)

Checking for Understanding and Clarification (30 seconds)

bulletAsk individual students questions about particular steps

Guided and Independent Practice (120 seconds)

bulletIndividual student will be directed through the step-by-step process

Conclusion – Closure (30 seconds)

bulletReemphasize the importance of using the step-by-step process
bulletEncourage students to use the handout as a guide in performing the task

How the students will be EVALUATED:

Through a performance test in which each student will be provided with a computer with mouse attached and a set of step-by-step instructions for cleaning the mouse. Students will then be asked to show the instructor how to clean the mouse.



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