Denise Spurlock

EVOC 518 WR3

Sample Assignment List

Assignments – Information Processing I-A

Week 1 – March 1-4, 2004

Assignment Guidelines

  1. All assignments should be prepared using Microsoft Word and saved to a floppy disk.
  2. Use 12 point Times New Roman font.
  3. Spell-check and proofread all assignments.
  4. Your name and assignment title should be at the top of each assignment.
  5. Completed assignments must be compared against answer keys and corrections made as necessary.
  6. Submit assignments in envelope.
  7. Assignments are due at the end of class on the date indicated. Late or incomplete assignments will receive ½ credit.



When Due

1.      Read Introduction to Windows 2000 Professional and Office 2000 Project 1 (red tab) and complete Study Guide


2.      Read Microsoft Word 2000 Project 1 (green tab) and complete


a.      Study Guide


b.      Project 1 – Summit Peak Announcement


c.      Apply Your Knowledge 1 – Meeting Announcement


d.      In the Lab 1 – Grease Announcement


e.      In the Lab 2 – Registration Announcement


f.       In the Lab 3 February Announcement





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