Denise Spurlock's

Professional Portfolio for EVOC 521 - Assessing Vocational Student Progress

Welcome to my EVOC 521 Professional Portfolio. I am taking the course in the Spring 2004 quarter at California State University, San Bernardino, using the distance learning option. The course assignments are listed below; click on active link to see my work. Please email me with your comments and suggestions.

Thanks for visiting!

PI Personal Information and Memo of Intent
CA1 Cognitive Domain Levels 1-3
CA2 Cognitive Domain Levels 4-6
CA3 Psychomotor Domain Levels 1-4
CA4 Psychomotor Domain Levels 5-7
CA5 Affective Domain Levels 1-3
CA6 Affective Domain Levels 4-5
CA7 Validity vs. Reliability
CA8 Innovative Assessment Strategy